Holy Week and Easter 2024

Holy Week and Easter 2024

Holy Week and Easter 2024

# News

Holy Week and Easter 2024

Holy Week and Easter 

From Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to his crucifixion and resurrection, Christians through the ages have found that recalling these last days in the life of Jesus continue to have a life-changing effect on us in the present. We welcome you to journey with us through the liturgies, devotions and activities of this holiest week of the year.   

Palm Sunday | 24 March

  • High Mass, 10:30am
    St Barnabas welcomes Bishop Pete Broadbent to celebrate Palm Sunday and preach. During this Eucharist, the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross, the Passion, is brought to life in a powerful sung setting. Our talented choir and soloists perform the roles of Jesus, Pilate, the Pharisees and the crowds. 

Monday to Wednesday in Holy Week | 25-27 March

  • Compline in the Lady Chapel, 7pm
    A reflective service to end each day as we journey towards the cross. Compline will conclude with a time of silent meditation. 

Wednesday in Holy Week | 27 March

  • Celtic Mass, 12:30pm
    Drawing on the rich contemplative tradition of the Celtic Christianity, this short and simple service of Holy Communion will conclude with a period of silent meditation. This is an opportunity to take in some oxygen for the soul as we prepare for the sacred celebrations of The Triduum “The Great Three Days” (Maundy Thursday through Easter Sunday). 

Maundy Thursday | 28 March

  • High Mass of the Last Supper (with washing of feet & vigil), 7pm 
    A meditative service with the washing of feet and the stripping of the church to mark the night before Jesus was betrayed. We then keep silent vigil at the garden of repose until 9:30 pm. 

Good Friday | 29 March

  • Liturgy of Good Friday, 2pm 
    A service reflecting on the sacrifice of Christ, with Veneration of the Cross. The choir will sing a powerful setting of the Passion. 

Holy Saturday | 30 March

  • Church Cleaning, 10am–12pm 
    The church building is prepared for the celebration of Easter. Come along to add to the numbers of a joyful band of volunteers as we clean, polish and flower arrange. Refreshments will be available.  
  • Great Vigil, 7pm 
    We enter into one of the most powerful acts of worship in the Christian calendar. In the Great Vigil, we hear again God’s story of creation. We light the new fire and mark the Easter candle with the sign of the cross. The service finishes in silence as we await the new life of the Easter dawn.

Easter Day | 31 March

  • Family High Mass, 10:30am
    We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with joyful music and the renewal of baptismal vows (bring hand bells to ring during the Gloria!).
  • Noisy Mass, 10:30am
    A short, lively and interactive Easter service for young children and their carers.

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