02/07/2024 0 Comments
Shared Christmas meal at church: 25th Dec at 12pm
Shared Christmas meal at church: 25th Dec at 12pm
Shared Christmas meal at church: 25th Dec at 12pm
# News
Published by St Barnabas Church on Thursday, 30 November 2017 09:52

Shared Christmas meal at church: 25th Dec at 12pm
An annual tradition, we will share a family Christmas meal together in the hall with anyone that would like to come. Last year there were over 30 of us and we had a great time. The meal is traditional: goose/turkey, potatoes, vegetables, Christmas pudding and mince pies etc. We watch the Queen's speech after. Join us if you're able to.
Please email Jill Scott, on jillvscott@hotmail.com to let us know that you are able to come or sign-up sheet is at the back of church.